Proclaimer and Privacy Statement
Widows for Widows bv 

Who Processes your Personal Data?

Widows for Widows BV is a service platform for widows.

As experts through experience, we want to support widows at a time when their whole world seems to be falling apart. We offer compassionate support through Widows Anonymous, our workshops, and events. Together with you we evaluate where you need support, be it in Practical & Legal matters or in striving for a Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body. We can also offer you help on your way to an Independent Lifestyle and we organise activities within the scope of Leisure & Pleasure. We are a Sisterhood. We don’t just sit on the couch and mope. We want to learn together, take action and take back control. We also seek out the fun things in life (again).

Our promises

  1. Freedom of choice
    Service is our core. That is why you can choose how you’d like to contact us – online, by telephone or with a visit our office – and we’ll be there for you. And if you want to make use of our services, we’ll get everything ready for you, but you will always be free to decide whether you want to take us up on our offer or not.
  2. Easy-to-understand provisions
    We are not lawyers, but people people. That is why we speak in plain language and would rather explain everything twice than have you go away without understanding. This means that you will always be able to make informed choices and know how we want to treat you.
  3. Personal information
    If you choose to use our services, you will always be entitled to correct, complete and up-to-date information, which we will send you immediately upon request, but which we will always provide you periodically too.
  4. Transparency
    We can only get to know each other by being open. That is why Widows for Widows – and its preferred suppliers – embraces complete openness and why we are open to all feedback.
  5. Responsiveness
    You can send us your complaints and queries at any time and we will deal with them and get back to you promptly.
  6. Responsible management
    Anyone who works with Widows for Widows or one of its preferred suppliers can compare, check and assess our performance against other organisations. Widows for Widows actively ensures the necessary information is available.
  7. Personal attention
    Widows for Widows members receive and deserve unconditional personal attention, guidance and hosting, which Widows for Widows takes care to provide in a personalised manner.

Privacy Statement

Widows4Widows, located at Herengracht 237A, 1016 BH, Amsterdam, is responsible for the processing of personal data as described in this privacy statement.

Contact details:
Herengracht 237A – 1016BH Amsterdam
0653 494 213

Marianne Heemskerk is the Data Protection Officer of Widows for Widows. She can be reached at

Personal data processed by us

Widows for Widows processes your data because you make use of our services and/or because you have provided us with your data.

You can find an overview of the personal data we process below:

  • First and last names
  • Sex
  • Date of birth
  • Place of Birth
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Bank account number
  • Other personal data actively provided by you, for example by creating a profile on this website, by completing the intake questionnaire, in correspondence or by telephone. This information may concern your (late) partner, estate administration, areas of difficulty or concern, services that you would like to purchase, etc.

 Special and/or sensitive personal data processed by us

Widows for Widows processes the following special and/or sensitive personal data
– Health, when applicable and where there is a need for mental health support, grief counselling, etc.
– Estate administration

Widows for Widows does not collect or record any special data pertaining to political affiliation or religious belief.

Widows for Widows collects photographs taken during events and conferences. These photographs may be shared on social media or on our website. We will explicitly request advance permission before using these photographs.

The purpose and rationale on which we process personal data

Widows for Widows processes your personal data for the following purposes:

– To provide you with goods and services.

– To better match our services to your needs.
– For the execution of agreements entered into by Widows for Widows and for providing memberships in accordance with our statutory objectives.

– For complying with legal obligations. Sometimes data processing is compulsory for legal reasons.

– To fulfil a legitimate need: to achieve our objectives and inform our members about Widows for Widows’ activities and to communicate with members.

Automated decision-making

Widows for Widows does not take decisions based on automated processing on any matters that could have (major) consequences upon people. These are decisions taken by computer programs or systems, without human involvement (such as the involvement of a Widows for Widows employee).

We form a picture of our members and clients through questionnaires and intake forms in order to better tailor our services to their needs. It is ultimately our members who determine what we provide. Widows for Widows also uses this information to understand where individual and collective needs lie. This will have influence upon our offerings.

Widows for Widows works with Banster to process client data. This is a safe and trusted environment for our administrative data.

How long we store your personal data

Widows for Widows does not store your personal data for any longer than strictly necessary for the purposes for which it is collected. We adhere to the following time-frames for the following (categories) of personal data:

Personal data (available through intake questionnaire)

Until the end of membership or for as long as necessary (for service optimisation)

Personal Details

Until the end of membership or for as long as necessary (for service optimisation)


Until the end of membership or for as long as necessary (for service optimisation)

Sharing personal data with third parties

Widows for Widows does not sell your information to third parties and will only provide this information if it is essential for the execution of the agreement we have made with you, or in order to comply with a legal obligation. We sign data processing agreements with any companies that process your data on our behalf, so that we can be sure that they handle your data with the same level of security and confidentiality that we do. Widows for Widows retains responsibility for these processing operations.

How we use cookies and similar technologies

Widows for Widows only uses technical and functionality cookies, and analytical cookies that do not infringe upon your privacy. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone when you first visit a website. The cookies we use are necessary for the technical operations of the website and for your ease of use. They ensure that the website works properly and, for example, they remember your preferences. This allows us to optimise our website. You can opt out of cookies by changing the settings in your internet browser so it no longer stores cookies. Furthermore, you can also delete any information previously saved via your browser settings.

Viewing, editing and deleting data

You have the right to view, edit and delete your personal data. You also have the right to withdraw your consent to data processing or to object to the processing of your personal data by Widows for Widows, and you also have a right to data portability. This means that you can send us a request to send you, or another organisation specified by you, a file containing your personal data from our records.

You can send us a request for the inspection, correction, deletion or data transfer of your personal data, the cancellation of your consent, or an objection to the processing of your personal data to

Please attach a copy of your ID to any request for inspection so that we can be sure that the request has come from you. In this copy, black out your passport photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the strip with numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport number and Social Security Number (‘Burgerservicenummer’ or BSN). This is to protect your privacy. We will respond to your request as quickly as possible and within no more than four weeks.

Widows for Widows would also like to draw to your attention to the fact that you may also file a complaint with the national supervisory authority, the Dutch Data Protection Authority. You can do this via the following link:

How we protect your data

Widows for Widows takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent its misuse, loss, unauthorised access, unwanted disclosure or unauthorised modification. If you feel that your data is not properly secured or there are indicators of misuse, please contact our customer service via  Widows for Widows has taken the following measures to protect your personal data:

– TLS (formerly SSL) We send your data via a secure internet connection. This is indicated by ‘https’ and the padlock in the address bar.

– SPF is an internet standard that we use to prevent you from receiving emails in our name that contain viruses, are spam or are intended to harvest personal (login) details

Widows for Widows works with encrypted communication and secure connections wherever necessary. Widows for Widows takes care to protect its member database.

For example, we work with passwords and login details.

Widows for Widows has made a rule that hard copies of documents are stored in such a way that unauthorised third parties have no access to them, nor can they easily gain access to them.

Widows for Widows bears no responsibility for the use of members’ private computers that may contain Widows for Widows members’ personal data or where information from Widows for Widows may be received.


A passionate, growing team

Widows for Widows has a warm and open business culture that we cherish. This is because it’s only in this sort of culture that you can feel safe to take on and bear responsibility. Meantime, we expect you to be committedand results oriented. It is not without good cause that we subscribe to the principle that if it’s possible for things to become better, they mustbecome better. If you see yourself in this vision, don’t hesitate to get in touch!



Widows for Widows is open at all times for anyone who wants to work with or for us, and of course, for anyone interested in our service packages. Get in touch with us. We promise to get back to you as soon as we possibly can.


    Widows for Widows